

奥数宁波站 > 小升初 > 小升初真题 > 小升初英语题 > 正文


来源:宁波奥数网整理      2012-08-28 14:57:12


  第一题 单项填空

  1. Judy and Lily ________ good at ________.

  A. are; singing B. are; sing C. is; singing D. is; sing

  2. ________ the book to Jim and ________ me a pen, please.

  A. Bringing; take B. Brings; takes C. Taking; bring D. Take; bring

  3. I’d like some___________ and ___________.

  A. potatos and chick B. potatoes and chicken C. potato and chicken

  4. May I help you ______it?

  A. write B. to write C. writing D. Write

  5. In England, people usually put “Mr” before the _________ of a man.

  A. given name B. family name C. first name D. middle name

  6. — Is this your shoe?

  — Yes, it is, but where is _________?

  A. the others B. other one C. another D. the other one

  7. — Do you know where Tom lives?

  — Certainly. He lives at _________, near my house.

  A. Tonghua, 289 Xinhua Road, China B. Beijing, Chang'an Road, China

  C. 56 Hope Road, London, England D. the USA, New York, 43 Green Road

  8. That storybook is very _________. The children are _________ in it.

  A. interesting; interest B. interest; interested

  C. interesting; interested D. interested; interesting

  9. Summer is ________ and ________ in China.

  A. sunny; snowy B. sun; cold C. sunny; hot D. warm; snowy

  10. Sarah: “______.” Mike: “Not bad.”

  A. How old are they? B. Judy doesn’t like thrillers at all.

  C. Where do you have breakfast? D. What do you think of the salad?

  11 . — Are those the ______ books?

  — No, they are ______ books.

  A. woman teachers’; Jack’s and Mike B. women teachers’; Jack’s and Mike’s

  C. woman teacher’s; Jack’s and Mike D. women teacher’s; Jack and Mike’s

  12. My uncle has a ______ car.

  A. small Chinese yellow B. small yellow Chinese

  C. yellow small Chinese D. Chinese yellow small

  13. What does DRAGON BOAT FESTIVAL mean in Chinese?

  A. 清明节 B. 元宵节 C. 重阳节 D.端午节

  14. After school we usually play _________ soccer for half _________ hour on _______ sports ground.

  A. /; an; the B. the; a; the C. /; a; / D. the; an; a

  15. —“Where shall we have lunch?” —“I have no idea. It's up to you.”

  What does “It's up to you.” mean?

  A. 你到上面来吧。 B. 由你决定吧。 C.你自己去吧。 D. 去你那里吧。


  1. The man in black is my partner. (对划线部分提问)

  ________ ________ _________ ________ partner?

  2. There is only one broom in my classroom. (对划线部分提问)

  _______ _______ ________ _______ _________in your classroom?

  3. Danny is riding a bicycle in the street. (变为否定句)

  Danny ______ ______ a bicycle in the street.

  4. My brother likes reading books very much. (改为一般疑问句)

  ______ your brother ______ reading books very much?

  5. Is that a banana tree? (改为复数句)

  ________ ________ _________ ________

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